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Free Event - The New Science of Nutrition
6.45 for 7.00pm start to 9.00
(9.00 to 9.30 optional Tai Chi - join in demo')
Thursday APRIL 26th 2018
Booking Essential for this Free Event
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The Real Meal Revolution
The Obesity Code
Super Food for Superchildren
The Big Fat Surprise
Why We Get Fat
The Diet Delusion
The Big Fat Fix
Fixing Dad
Tai Chi 30 minute demonstration - Indicative structure and content.
A sample range of postures and experience. Recommended complementary health exercise for daily self practice. (Chen style Tai Chi)
Tai Chi is neither religion, nor renunciation. It can only be dedicated to the greater good.
1 Mobility, Stability & Endurance
1.1 Hip Hinge (Hips back. Natural curves in spine. Ab's activated 25%. Chest up)
Cleaning teeth posture, chair squats,, stairs/steps
1.2 Lunge (Activate & roll foot sensors)
1.3 Shoulder/Thoracic spine mobilisation (Activate hand sensors, as if painting the wall)
Also recommend Dr Stuart Mcgill - Posture & Movement - Professor Biomechanics - Low back Pain - "The Big 3 Non negotiable exercises" View on Youtube. Author of 3 books
Plus moderate aerobic, minimum 22 Minutes per day RPE 5-6-7 Interval Training, if possible. (ACSM)
(150 minutes per week for weight loss. 300 minutes for weight maintenance. (Cardio/Respiratory)
Plus resistance exercises
Plus activities of daily life. "Sitting is the new smoking" !!! Improve the metabolic rate
2 Tai Chi swings (Focus central nervous system ) Validated Dr M Mosley"s affirmations experiment. TV "Trust me i'm a Doctor"
(Connect mind with bubbling wells. No effort above waist. Relax & sink weight
2.1 Horse stance (Turn waist and change weight. Gentle tap/massage the kidney Chi store)
2.2 Bow stance (Roll foot sensors)
3 Daoist Joint Opening Movements (Chen style prescribed order) Remove restrictions in Chi, 12 Meridians and tissue (Pre dates NHS !) 5 energy gates
3.1 Fingers/wrists (Laogong points) Pushing blood, oxygen, nutrients, chi
3.2 Elbows
3.3 Shoulders
3.4 Back upper
3.5 Waist/ Dantian - Major store of Chi 1: 3 fingers below belly button
3.6 Hips
3.7 Knees
3.8 Ankles/feet (Bubbling Wells) Tai Chi jig
3.9 Neck Be paticularly careful/gentle with the cervical spine
4 Tai Chi Qi Gong Moving Meditation (Culivating Stillness/Mindfulness - Yang style)
Mind leads - Central nervous system
Body movement - Somatic nervous system (Motor control & spatial awareness)
Breath linked- Somatic nervous system (Nose in for 5 - out for 5. Slow & easy Full not shallow)
Visual Vigilance - focuses meditation - cns & sns
Higher self - connected (optional)
To promote
- Chi and internal systems balanced. 5 energy gates open
- Parasympathetic nervous system (Rest & Digest. Stay & Play).
(Address stress hormones Adrenaline (Epinephrine) & Cortisol, - "Diet Therapy")
- Whole body movement. Validated Anatomy Trains - Thomas Myer - "Train movement not muscles" Avoid muscle loss-sarcopenia (can be 5% day !) & comorbidities. Absorb amino acids
- Lumbar spine stabilisation. Keep natural curve & avoid all forward flexion of spine
- Neuro Motor Exercise (ACSM) Balance. Agility, Coordination Gait & Proprioception
- Range of movement and Activities of daily life
- Health and Vitality
- "You can't out-chi a bad diet" !
Tai Chi Qi Gong Postures
selection from 8 Silk Brocade (daily promote health) & Shibashi (18 ) to help learn Tai Chi 24 Form)
4.1 Collecting "free money" = chi (Yin earth & Yang above)
4.2 Raise one hand at a time. split energy yin & yang
4.3 Open the chest (These first three postures focus on improvements cardio/respiratory)
4.4 Bend trunk and extend the back. (Focus includes squeezing organs around ab's area)
4.5 Tai Chi punch (Focus on removing all negative emotions. Replace with tranquility)
4.6 Raise heels keep illness away. (Focus on spiraling chi and vibrating organs)
4.7 Heaven & Earth (Classic Tai Chi Form opener - Feel tingle (chi) in the hands)
4.8 Open the chest (Feel improvements in breath, thus all internal systems)
4.9 Rainbow dance
4.10 Separate clouds
4.11 Turning the wheel
4.12 Pushing the wave (Synchronise mind, body, breath, visual vigilance)
4.13 Flying dove (As above plus fuller whole body breath)
4.14 Store the chi - Dantian
4.15 Tranquility/Peace - The signature of Tai Chi. The emotion is Happiness
MOVEMENT for IMPROVEMENT (continuous improvements !)
John Beasley (Wells Town Hall - 6 july 2017)
01749 672482
Tai Chi 24 Online (Face Time or Skype etc)
Personal Training available: Online for one to one tuition or groups
Any time - Any place (with wifi)