HEALTH TAICHI including online classes
          HEALTH TAICHI                                                                  including online classes       


Life coaching for clients to add the important skill of "Mindfulness" in dealing with the multitude of life's pressures.

Based on Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Life Coaching approaches for self development through Mindfulness.


Mindfulness is built around the concept of being present and grounded in the here and now, So avoid drifting off into negative space and  any associated trance like states.  Avoid being stuck in the past or unhelpful fantasy about  the future. Do not  keep reinforcing any negative experiences. Swerve any negativity. If on any occasion you feel  "time poor"  you can always step out and choose to be  "moment rich". 


Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) is the science and art in the deduction, utilisation and change of subjective experience and meaning. It offers a positive way forward.

Resolve your issues by choosing only positive and realistic outcomes and develop appropriate strategies and flexible behaviors to achieve your successes in your terms (self referencing) This is within the context of your ecology check and considering your significant others.


A Mindfull approach helps with stress, anxiety, phobias, self image, pain, weight loss, depression, worry, relationships, fear, anger, motivation, confidence, sadness  etc. It can resolve other limiting and possibly dysfunctional, underlying debilitating clusters, which you have learned to re-enact and may be restrictive in terms of a joyful and fulfilling life.


Become aware of your triggers that cause your self inflicted (harm) negative thoughts which contribute to unfulfilling emotions. These thoughts then feelings in turn lead to your reactions and behaviours and then so often to familiar cycles of regret.


Our personalised perceptions and individual projections inform our familiar patterns of behaviour and reinforce our subjective "experiences." However, we are free to break out from undesireable  loops. We can "Change our Mind and keep the Change"  We can stop the process of self re-indoctrination with negative memories. Explore different "rationalities" which leave a lot to our imaginations!  Create only positive inner dialogues and conversations. Trust your gentle wisdom, so your internal voices become supportive and almost superhuman. (Your Hgher Self)


Expand your emotional intelligence. Reduce your limiting and irrational beliefs.

Mindfulness is recommended by the NHS  -  National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)


Registered practitioner with  Part of the Mental Health Foundation.





Health TaiChi  zoom            online            classes

 online live classes      every week.

  Tai Chi Tuesdays
  11 - 11.40am
  PilogaFit Fridays
  11 - 11.40am
Please email for details..
This is the weekly zoom fee per household.
One class                      £4 
Two classes                  £7
Secure/confidential payment options 
1 Bank Transfer - TSB 
   Online or cash to over 200 branches
2 PayPal (






Start any time

All ages and abilities welcome

Classes run during school holidays



Please log on 10 minutes before the class starts, to settle in and prepare.

We always start on time.







"World Wide Wells" 




John Beasley

01749 672482






John Beasley - Registered member Level 4 Execrcise Specialist

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