HEALTH TAICHI including online classes
          HEALTH TAICHI                                                                  including online classes       

          HEALTH TAICHI - live classes                           






Henton Village Hall


Mondays 2 - 3pm  drop in - pay as you go  £5


No class 26 Feb as there is a Wake in Henton  hall



Wedmore Village Hall


Wednesdays 11 - 12pm  drop in - pay as you go £6




Health Tai Chi @ Kings Fitness & Leisure Cheddar


Wednesdays 1 -1.45    Please book via Kings






Tuesdays  11 - 11.40



Bishop's Palace  Thursdays 11-12

Donations direct tor St Margaret's Hospice please  £5 suggested

Classes outside so please dress warm and dry if weather not so good




The Gateway to Tai Chi - Perfect Harmony 


Authentic and comprehensive Chen and Yang Taii Chi classes. For health and vitality. Including :-


Information and links to help you learn and progress your Tai Chi for Health & Vitality


Eight Silk Brocade - Medical Qi Gong postures


Shibashi (18) QI Gong postures developed to inspire the learning of Tai Chi 24 Form


Daoist Joint Therapy to first release restrictions in tissue and Chi blockages in Meridians.


Chen Forms including Silk Reeling. Silk reeling, also known as Chansujin, is the principle method of movement in original Chen Tai Chi. 

Silk reeling exercises involve simple continuous rounded and spiral movements utilising the whole body.


Regular practice promotes Health & Vitality. (QI)



Tai Chi for All  (Any age or ability)  From beginners to advanced


Tai Chi is moving meditation. Synchronising mind, body and breath (with vigilant vision) to promote the flow of Chi (Vital life force). 


"It is a holistic complimentary approach to health" (NHS)



The signature of Tai Chi is tranquility - The emotion is happiness






All ages and abilities welcome.

but please check any health issues with your doctor first


Classes are drop in, pay as you go.

You only pay when you attend - not when you don't.


Start any time. Start now






Tutor  John Beasley MSc  PGCE

01749 672482  (if you would like to talk things through)

Member - 1) Tai Chi Union For Great Britain.

                2) Register Exercise Professionals ( REPS Level 4)

                     (GP Exercise Referral Specialist & Personal Trainer qualified)

                     ( Lower Back Pain & Obesity & Diabetes Specialist Level 4)

                     ( Level 4 Strength & Conditioning Coach - completing)


                4) Chartered Institute for Management of Sport & Physical Activity


Authentic Tai Chi. Validated and Cerificated by Professional UK Organisations.







Registered Member
Quality Assured
Nationally Recognised/Qualifications






PilogaFit - Spine & Core Stability

Pilates - Yoga - Fitness - Fusion


Please click below





Based on Chen Zhenglei Collection Series  "For Health and Wellness"

Health TaiChi  zoom            online            classes

 online live classes      every week.

  Tai Chi Tuesdays
  11 - 11.40am
  PilogaFit Fridays
  11 - 11.40am
Please email for details..
This is the weekly zoom fee per household.
One class                      £4 
Two classes                  £7
Secure/confidential payment options 
1 Bank Transfer - TSB 
   Online or cash to over 200 branches
2 PayPal (






Start any time

All ages and abilities welcome

Classes run during school holidays



Please log on 10 minutes before the class starts, to settle in and prepare.

We always start on time.







"World Wide Wells" 




John Beasley

01749 672482






John Beasley - Registered member Level 4 Execrcise Specialist

Get social with us.

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